Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Batang Berjuntai

Batang Berjuntai or better known as BB by the locals is a small and hulu town and not many people will notice there is such a town in Selangor. But for sure many will carve a smile once the name is being pronounced!

"Saya dari Batang Berjuntai....." once I introduced myself in one of the gathering in my college day. Immediately the girls covered their blushing face and the boys were laughing and some even scolded me for making that statement. For those who come from this town, it's normal for us to say the words, no big deal. In fact this name was used in one of the local Malay Box Office movie - Ali Setan.

This town was a big name somewhere during the 60s to 80s when tin (bijih timah) was the major produce of this place. But....after many years of mining........ cuma tinggal kenangan now....

1 comment:

  1. I was there in Batang Berjuntai from 1984-1990. My father worked as dredge engineer back then.
